UNICLAM is a young and dynamic public university located in Cassino, Italy. UNICLAM is a Research Unit of CNIT (http://www.cnit.it/en/about-cnit/research-units/university-of-cassino/). It has about 400 faculty members and 10,000 students, providing B.Sc, M.Sc. and Ph.D. courses in the areas of Economics, Humanities, Laws, and Engineering. The School of Engineering of UNICLAM is a doctoral degree awarding institution and as such provides a pleasant and functional environment for performing academic research. Thanks to the English-taught M.Sc. program in Telecommunications Engineering and to the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in “Medical Imaging and Applications”, the university also attracts several international students at the M.Sc. level. In the field of wireless communications, UNICLAM skills cover 3G/4G/5G cellular technologies, with emphasis on algorithmic design, signal processing for data detection and channel estimation, interference management, game-theoretic resource allocation, optimization theory, energy-efficient communications, energy-harvesting technologies, system design at mmWave frequencies, and massive MIMO systems.
UNICLAM will enroll into its Ph.D. program the ESRs hired by CNIT & NEC.
Key persons:
Stefano Buzzi (email:
Website: https://www.unicas.it/